Reports and Studies
29 November 2021
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Pursuant to its mandate to promote the respect, protection, and fulfillment of international law in the Gaza Strip as part of the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan) presents this report, titled ‘The Gaza Bantustan—Israeli Apartheid in the Gaza Strip’, which analyzes the crime of apartheid in relation to Israel’s conduct towards Gaza, within the context of the State’s protracted occupation of the OPT and Zionist settler-colonialism in historic Palestine. The report considers how Israeli apartheid, experienced by all Palestinian people, is specifically visited upon the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip... Read full EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Al Mezan condemns Israel's latest racist measure against Palestinian prisoners
Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) and Human Rights Organizations Call for a Boycott of Europe Day Celebrations
On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Al Mezan repeats call for dismantling Israel’s apartheid
Israeli Apartheid
Al Mezan & Partners Launch Landmark Palestinian Coalition Report: